After moving to a new town, a young bi-racial couple, Elizabeth and Thomas Miller, are at a cross-roads: they are childless, and he remains an unpublished writer. After five years of marriage, Elizabeth’s become tired of cutting the checks, while Thomas has grown more reclusive. Consequently, his work has suffered to the point that his publisher has encouraged him to ditch his magnum opus to write a more commercially viable romance.
Carol and Dr. Lloyd Burke have built an imposing façade glorifying the societal ideals of the 1950s; an impressive home, prominent role at the Country Club, and son studying medicine. But, behind closed doors, the couple’s haunted by the cracks in the foundation of their relationship. Despite being represented by an esteemed gallerist, Bertram Fontaine, the failed housewife seeks validation in every encounter. Her husband, practices controversial methods of psychiatric treatment, including dosing patients with LSD.
Through drug-induced memories, a 30-year-old mystery surfaces and reveals Thomas’ racy novel hits a little too close to home. Was this night a coincidence, or were there more sinister intentions?